
WS#20 Advancements in agricultural robotics and orchard automation

Questions to be answered What are the recent advancements in the orchard automation? Which is the future of autonomous vehicles and agricultural robotics? What are the improvements of mobile or distributed sensors for monitoring crops? Description Robotics and automation are steadily gaining prominence across various industries, and one of the sectors poised to reap significant […]

WS#31 Collaborative Heterogeneous Robots in Extreme Environments

Questions to be answered How can we leverage the complementarity of heterogeneous robots for effective task execution, resilient navigation, failure recovery, and accurate 3D mapping in extreme environments? Description This workshop focuses on advancing the deployment of collaborative heterogeneous robots in extreme environments, addressing challenges like harsh conditions, limited visibility, and unpredictable hazards. By harnessing […]

WS#7 Marine robotics: challenges, trends and opportunities

Questions to be answered Which are the biggest challenges to solve to make marine robotics robust enough to be used in many real-world applications? How can new technologies help us to reach this? Which are the most promising new technologies/approaches? Which is the current situation, trends and opportunities in underwater intervention/inspection and manipulation, underwater perception […]