Autonomy in healthcare robotics

Areas mainly addressed: Healthcare, Ethical, Legal, Social, Economic implications of robotics 

Main questions to be answered: 

· Which ethical questions and challenges have to be faced? 

· How can we improve the awareness for ethical questions among developers of robotic systems? 

· How can we support the development of (semi-)autonomous robotic systems in the Healthcare domain? 

WS Description: In the past years the robotic systems, developed for the Healthcare sector, show a trend towards higher levels of autonomy. This raises ethical questions and challenges that have to be tackled to gain confidence and acceptance in society. This workshop will offer the possibility to discuss urgent challenges with a wide range of experts like Psychologists and Ethicists, members of DIH-HERO network from research and industry and clinicians. 

The aim of the workshop is to define a set of questions that help to judge the ethical objection when it comes to semi – autonomous and autonomous systems. 

Intended outcome: Workshop expected to create a roadmap or white paper, Workshops engaging non-roboticists to understand needs/goals (policy, commercial, technical) 

Approach: Introduction (Overview about autonomy in healthcare robotics + Poll of the audience about their experience) (5 min) 

Presentation from Research and industry – 4-5 presentations (35 – 40min) 

Plenary discussion (Prepared questions and questions from the audience + experiences from audience) (25-30 min) 

Final conclusion – Nexts Steps and take-home message (5 min) 

Contributors: Planed speakers/attende disscussion panel: 

– Auxane Boch (Phd; ehtics; School of Social Sciences and Technology) 

– Dr. Dirk Wilhelm (Senior physican – Klinkum rechts der Isar) 

– Dr. Bernhard Weber (psychologist, DLR) 

– 2 representative form the robotivc industry 

– 1 represeatative from research like Paolo Fiorin or Arianna Menciassi 


· Andrea Schwier,, German aerospace Center (DLR e.V.) – Insitut of Robotics and Mechatronics

· Katharina Hagmann,, German aerospace Center (DLR e.V.) – Insitut of Robotics and Mechatronics

Event Timeslots (1)

Room K2 – Koncerthuset
14 March - Healthcare
Andrea Schwier