Horizon Europe – New Robotics & AI projects

Project cluster relation: Yes: HE call 1: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING and HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN 

Areas mainly addressed: Robotics and AI/Big Data Value, Autonomy, Collaborative Robots and cloud robotics, AI and smart robots serving the Green deal, At work, human-centric approaches 

Main questions to be answered: 

· Presentation of the new Horizon Europe project: the Network of Excellence Centres in Robotics – euROBIN, the CSA supporting the PPP on AI, Data and Robotics – Adra-e, the CSA coordinating the ecosystem of the AI on Demand Platform – AI4Europe. What are the topics addressed by the new projects 

· How to foster collaboration among projects and with the community at large? 

· As a roboticist, or user of robotics technology, how can I benefit from these projects? 

WS Description: This is a unique opportunity to discover in a single workshop these key Horizon Europe projects, meet with their coordinator and projects representatives, and discuss how to create a community around these projects, and also which benefit they bring to the robotics community at large. Therefore participants will learn about the content of the project portfolio and will be invited to discuss with the projects representatives, and through a poster session attached to the workshop about the possibility to collaborate and to benefit from services offered by some of these projects. 

Intended outcome: Information about community involvement and services offered (e.g. DIHs, open calls, platforms, …) 

Approach: The session will start with an introduction by the EC and a presentation of the three projects. It will be followed by an interactive session of Q/A, focusing on the how the robotics community could benefit from these projects. This also includes additional information on the open calls of euROBIN. There could also be a slido during the presentations to collect ideas about community building around the projects. 

Contributors: EC: Cécile HUET, Cem GULEC / euROBIN project: Alin Albu-Schaeffer, Rebecca.Schedl-Warpup, Michael Beetz / Adra-e project: Marc Schoenauer, Joost Geurts / AI4Europe: Gabriel Gonzalez Castane 

Further information: https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/library/horizon-europe-new-projects-robotics-and-ai-june-november-2022 


· Cécile HUET, cecile.huet@ec.europa.eu, European Commission

· Cem GULEC, cem.gulec@ec.europa.eu, European Commission

Event Timeslots (1)

Main Stage – Floor 1
15 March - B2B and Innovation
Cécile HUET