I&M robotics into day-2-day operations: Learning across value-chains

TG relation: Inspection and maintenance 

Areas mainly addressed: Maintenance and Inspection, Robotics and AI/Big Data Value, B2B and innovation 

Main questions to be answered: 

· Why has robotics succeeded in becoming the standard tool for inspection and maintenance (I&M) operations in only some applications and industries, but so many potential I&M robotics applications remain to be realized – and what are the corresponding success factors, and technical, business and R&D challenges? 

· What are the success stories in terms of getting I&M robotics into day-2-day operations, and what was the timeline from R&D to deployment to achieve these? 

· Which concrete actions can the industry, public sector and R&D follow-up on to further promote getting I&M robotics into day-2-day operations? E.g., actions within risk mitigation, value chain collaboration, standardization, and R&D on e.g. AI and autonom 

WS Description: We need to show that robotics creates real value for end users to push further development on inspection and maintenance (I&M) robotics. Such value is only created when robots are deployed at scale in day-2-day operations. 

In this workshop we will showcase and brainstorm on key learnings across value-chains to facilitate successful commercial robotics into day-2-day I&M operations. The presentations and discussions will include, e.g., robotics technology, business aspects, risk mitigation, and more – deployed at scale within e.g. transportation, oil and gas, and energy distribution. 

Intended outcome: Workshops engaging non-roboticists to understand needs/goals (policy, commercial, technical), Workshop expected to create a roadmap or white paper, Workshop discussion topics of common interest, success stories, use cases, etc, Workshop on recent developments in technology or applications 

Approach: We will build the approach to the workshop on our series of past successful ERF workshop on I&M robotics which have sparked fruitful and interactive discussions among the participants in connection with each presentation and during the plenary discussion toward the last part of the workshop. 

The workshop program will feature speakers which have succeeded in deployment of I&M robotics into continuous operations creating value for end users. A particular strength is that the speakers are from a large variety of industry and R&D to learn across industries. 

13:55-13:57 Introduction by the moderators (A. Transeth, M. Sandelin) 

13:57-14:50 A series of short presentations given by industrial service providers, robotic system suppliers, and research organizations. The presentations will share key aspects on I&M robotics including business-to-business (B2B) end-user 

needs, best practices, lessons learned, success stories, challenges, new business models, technology gaps and need for research within key topics such as AI, autonomy, standardization, control, HMI and mechatronics in connection with I&M robotics – with a focus on enablers and challenges in getting robots deployed at scale and into continuous use in the industry and public sector. 

14:50-15:12 Open brainstorming session moderated by A. Transeth. 

The goal of the brainstorming session is to identify across industries and applications the main success factors and challenges to overcome – and corresponding concrete action points – in order to achieve value creation with I&M robotics in day-2-day operations in the public and private sector. To this end, we will investigate key topics such as risk mitigation, value chain collaboration, AI, autonomy, standardization and ethical implications. 

15:12-15:15 Summary and outlook. 

Contributors: List of speakers: 

* Orbiton, Tomas Moss, CEO, Service provider, Transportation, Bridge inspection. 

* Chevron, Russell Brown / Mauricio Calva, oil and gas. 

* Aker Solutions, J. Hovland, Manager UAS, Aker Solutions, unmanned aerial systems. 

* SINTEF, Aksel A. Transeth, Senior scientist, RTO, Energy distribution, Power line inspection. 

* Energy Robotics, Stefan Kohlbrecher, CTO, Technology provider, Energy, Mobile robots autonomy and fleet management. 

* Equinor, Anette Uttisrud / Edda Solem, oil and gas. 

* Canrig Robotics, Bjørnar Lingjerde, project manager, Canrig Robotics, Technology provder, robotics in drilling. 

Further information: For an updated workshop program and list of speakers, please refer to this link: https://www.sintef.no/en/events/archive/2023/erf2023-workshop-im-robotics-in-day-2-day-operations-learning-across-industries/ 

Presentations from previous I&M workshops at th 


· Aksel Transeth, aksel.a.transeth@sintef.no, SINTEF AS

· Ekkehard Zwicker, Ekkehard.Zwicker@bakerhughes.com, Waygate Technologies 

· MaaritSandelin, maarit.sandelin@sprintrobotics.org, SPRINT Robotics 

· Niels Westendorp, niels.westendorp@sprintrobotics.org, SPRINT Robotics

Event Timeslots (1)

Room 200 – Floor 2
15 March - Maintenance-Inspection
Aksel Transeth