RIMA Network: Solutions, Impacts and Results for a better Europe

Project cluster relation: Yes: https://drones4safety.eu/ https://drones4energy.dk/

Areas mainly addressed: Maintenance and Inspection 

Main questions to be answered: 

· How robotics solutions can effectively impact and improve EU citizens lives? 

· Is the FSTP concept, as key tools for innovation, effective and replicable for other organisations? 

· How the system of DIHS neTWORKS can help dynamize the innovation ecosystem in Europe? 

WS Description: If you want to participate in the discussion on how robotics for inspection and maintenance innovative applications and methodologies does affect the overall EU ecosystem, this is a great opportunity to get to know all actors. 

Do not expect a standard project presentation but an opportunity to speak with key stakeholders and how they shape their sectors with robotics. Rima staff will showcase flagship robotic applications with great impact in their ecosystems as well as sector specific representatives of the 6 domains involved in the project, such as: Nuclear, Energy, Water, transport, transportation hubs and oil and gas. 

These representatives will deepen on how to tackle practical challenges in the current multi crisis scenario, and how these applications could contribute, with their grain of sand, to the huge challenge of the EU strategic autonomy. 

Intended outcome: Workshop on recent developments in technology or applications, Information about community involvement and services offered (e.g. DIHs, open calls, platforms, …), Workshop discussion topics of common interest, success stories, use cases, etc 

Approach: Min 00 Introduction by Project Coordinator and Sustainable Manager (Christophe) 

Min 05 Open Discussion with experiment coordinators of RIMA experiments impact EU citizens daily lives (with online only live Q&A to guide the discussion) 

EXP 1: Alberto Landini (TunnelEye) 

EXP 2: Carlos Matilla (Fuvex) 

EXP 3: Mads Bendt (GUMBOT) 

Min 30 Sectors speaking on how robotics solutions are needed to tackle the multiple challenges that the EU is facing (With online only Q&A and 6 live polls which results will be commented by panel participants) 

NDT (Peter Trampus HHT – Online) 

Nuclear representative (TUKE (Ladislav) and NuclearEurope (Guilherme – pending confirmation)) 

Oil and gas representative (Sprint Robotics (Maarit)) 

Electricity representative: Naturgy representative online (thru Carlos Matilla) 

Transport Hubs representative (LPIAP (Jakub)) 

Water representative: Andrea Rubini (WaterEurope) or SINTEF (pending confirmation) 

Min 60 Panel discussion on sustainability and the way forward of the DIHs networks (with live presential + online Q&A) With all participants 

Min 75 Round up and closure by Project Coordinator and Sustainable Manager (CEA) 

Min 80 end of the event (CEA) 

Contributors: Christophe Leroux. CEA. Project Coordinator. 

Maarit Sandelin. Sprint robotics. Sustainability coordinator 

The workshop will count with participation from: 

2 RIMA experiments representatives 

6 RIMA Sector specific representatives 

This 8 people still need to be confirmed. They have been contacted but cannot confirm their availability this early. 

Further information: https://rimanetwork.eu/ 


· Juan Antonio Pavón Losada, j.pavon@euronautas.com, CREATe, Uni Napoles

· Christophe Leroux, Christophe.leroux@cea.fr, CEA France 

· PaulaMontoro, p.montoro@euronautas.com, CREATe 

· Maarit Sandelin, maarit.sandelin@sprintrobotics.org, Sprint Robotic

Event Timeslots (1)

Room 107 – Floor 1
14 March - B2B and Innovation
Juan Antonio Pavón Losada