Robotics to Enable a New In-Orbit Space Economy

Areas mainly addressed: Robotics for space applications (in-orbit)

Main questions to be answered:

· What are the principle challenges faced by robotics for in-orbit manufacturing and servicing to ensure both cost and operational effectiveness?

· What synergies exist between these challenges and those found in other market domains and how can these be leveraged?

· How can the European robotics community leverage its expertise and knowledge to support the development of a new economy in the harsh environment of space?

WS Description: It is only recently that we have begun to realise the commercial opportunities that the space environment provides us to service existing spacecraft and manufacture products in ways we cannot on earth. But space is an unforgiving and extremely hostile to humans. To enable these new opportunities, the use of robotics must increase. But whilst the use of robotics in space is not new, true commercialisation of space will require cost effective solutions that work autonomously or alongside humans.

With in-orbit servicing and manufacturing alone expected to be globally worth some $4.4 billion by the end of the decade the opportunity for European companies is great.

In this interactive workshop, developers and end users will discuss the challenges of operating in space allowing the European robotics community to develop an understanding of the challenges and opportunities of in-orbit robotics.

Intended outcome: Workshops engaging non-roboticists to understand needs/goals (policy, commercial, technical), Workshop expected to create a roadmap or white paper, Workshop covering material new to ERF that the Robotics community should engage with

Approach: Short introduction to the rationale and application of robotics for in-orbit (on-orbit) servicing, manufacturing and assembly. (10 mins)

Invited speakers to present their specific challenges. These will be satellite operators and manufacturers who recognise the need for robotics to enable servicing and manufacturing. They will be asked to focus on both the technical and commercial challenges they are faces with. (3 speakers, each 5 minutes)

Contributors: Name TBC, Robotics Development Group – Airbus Defence & Space UK – Invited – R&D speaker

Name TBC – Robotics Development – PIAP Space Poland – Invited – R&D speaker

Name TBC – Systems Integration & Mission Operator – Lift Me Off – Invited – end user spea

Name TBC – Systems Integration & Mission Operator – TBC – end user speaker


· Jeremy Hadall,, Satellite Applications Catapult Member Yes, Research Organisation (RTO),

· Esther Rayssiguie,, Satellite Applications Catapult

Event Timeslots (1)

Room 302 – Floor 3
15 March - Specific operating environments
Jeremy Hadall