WS#18 Applications for Humanoid Robots in Europe

WS#18 Applications for Humanoid Robots in Europe

Ramez Awad (Fraunhofer IPA), Matthias Reichenbach (Mercedes-Benz AG), Francesco Ferro (PAL Robotics)Room 11-13

Questions to be answered

  • What are the potential applications of humanoid robots across various industries?
  • What experiences and lessons have been learned from the first field trials, particularly regarding early prototypes in laboratories and production environments?
  • What current capabilities do humanoid robots possess, and how can they be demonstrated?
  • What challenges must be addressed for the widespread adoption of humanoid robots?
  • What are the specific needs to implement humanoid robots effectively?


Join us for an insightful workshop that explores the exciting potential applications of humanoid robots across various industries. We will showcase their current capabilities and engage in a discussion about the challenges that must be overcome for successful widespread implementation.

Key topics include:

  • Overview of potential applications for humanoid robots
  • Demonstration of existing capabilities
  • Challenges and barriers to widespread adoption
  • Insights into the needs of system integrators for effective implementation
  • Experiences and lessons learned from initial field trials
  • Examination of potential applications and challenges associated with early prototypes in laboratory settings and production environments

This workshop aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of both the opportunities and obstacles in the realm of humanoid robotics. Through alignment with its partner workshop “The New Frontiers of Advanced Humanoid and Legged Robots”, the two workshops will cover both the technological and application/market aspects of humanoid robots.

Organisation of the WS

11:10-11:55: Three presentation from field trials:

  • Working title: Cooperation on Humanoid Robots with Mercedes-Benz & Apptronik: Potential, Challenges and Applications
  • by Mercedes Benz AG & Apptronik
  • Working title: Introduction of Next Generation Robotics @ BMW Group Production
  • by BMW AG
  • Working title: N.N.
  • by NEURA Robotics GmbH

11:55-12:30: Moderated Discussion Panel, incl. Questions from Audience

Intended outcome

  • Insights into potential applications for humanoid robots and the challenges still to overcome.
  • A realistic timeline for widespread adaptation

Speakers, Panelists, etc


  • Stephen Travers (Mercedes-Benz AG, Head of Digitalization & Production System)
  • Parker Conroy (Apptronik, Director of Product)
  • Michael Ströbel (BMW Group, Vice President Digitalization & Process Management, Logistics and Shopfloor)
  • David Reger (NEURA Robotics GmbH, CEO)


  • Neura humanoid robot (4NE-1)

Discussion Panel

  • Stephen Travers (Mercedes-Benz AG, Head of Digitalization & Production System)
  • Parker Conroy (Apptronik, Director of Product)
  • Michael Ströbel (BMW Group, Vice President Digitalization & Process Management, Logistics and Shopfloor)
  • David Reger (NEURA Robotics GmbH, CEO)
  • Francesco Ferro (PAL Robotics, CEO)

Topic Groups and/or Innovation networks involved

Projects involved

Further information


  • Ramez Awad (Fraunhofer IPA),
  • Matthias Reichenbach (Mercedes-Benz AG),
  • Francesco Ferro (PAL Robotics)
Thu 11:10 - 12:30
Challenges, Humanoids, Industry