WS#56 Association round table (invite only)

WS#56 Association round table (invite only)

Reinhard Lafrenz (euRobotics)Room 10

Questions to be answered

This should explain to an attendee why they should come to your workshop rather than the other ones on at the same time


Details of the WS

Organisation of the WS

How will you use the time in the workshop? What will the attendees do?

Intended outcome

We don’t expect a long list of outcomes or a set of presentation slides - we want one or two results that attendees will say afterwards “We did X at ERF2025”.

Speakers, Panelists, etc

Topic Groups and/or Innovation networks involved

Projects involved

Further information


  • Reinhard Lafrenz (euRobotics)
Tue 08:30 - 09:50
euRobotics will harmonise for the web, Suggest some tags / keywords