WS#15 Bringing Soft Robotics to Application

WS#15 Bringing Soft Robotics to Application

Florian Hartmann (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems), Linda Paternò (The BioRobotics Institute of Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies), Gernot Kronreif (ACMIT - The Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology)Room 14-16

Questions to be answered

This workshop will focus on the challenges that are involved into bringing soft robotics to application. We will discuss how soft machines can support and interact with the human body and address translational questions such as: What are the potential barriers from the regulatory side? What are the potential barriers on the technology side?


The demand for compliant machines capable of safely interacting with the human body is growing across various applications. To meet this need, significant research in robotics has focused on developing new classes of devices through the soft robotics approach. However, despite extensive efforts in recent years, the commercialization of these systems remains absent. Therefore, further research is required to develop soft robots that are both effective and durable enough for successful market translation. This workshop aims to explore the scientific advancements and the challenges of bringing soft robotics to various applications, including rehabilitation, haptics, and surgery.

Organisation of the WS

The workshop is featuring four speakers, that give presentations of each 12 min. All four speakers will participate in a panel discussion that summarizes the workshop.

12 min | Kaspar Althoefer

12 min | Elena Giannaccini

12 min | Alona Shagan

12 min | Hedan Bai

30 min | Panel discussion

Intended outcome

The workshop aims to bring together the leading experts in soft robotics. Attendees will benefit from an interdisciplinary research talks on that topic, focusing on the challenges involved to bring soft robots to the market. The WS will stimulate ideas for future research collaborations between researchers and enable SMEs to discuss market needs and potentials with the community.

Speakers, Panelists, etc

Speaker 1: Kaspar Althoefer, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.

Speaker 2: Elena Giannaccini, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.

Speaker 3: Alona Shagan, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany.

Speaker 4: Hedan Bai, ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland.

All speakers are panelists.

Moderators: Linda Paterno, Florian Hartmann, Gernot Kronreif

Topic Groups and/or Innovation networks involved

Projects involved

MAPWORMS - Mimicking Adaptation and Plasticity in WORMS

Further information


  • Florian Hartmann (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems),
  • Linda Paternò (The BioRobotics Institute of Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies),
  • Gernot Kronreif (ACMIT - The Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology)
Wed 14:00 - 15:20
Bio-inspired, Exoskeletons; Rehabilitation robotics, Healthcare, Medical robots, Soft robotics, Wearables