WS#27 Challenging Robotics/AI Use Cases by End-Users
Ramez Awad (Fraunhofer IPA), Dr. Björn Kahl (Fraunhofer IPA), Dr. Fotios Konstantinidis (ICCS), Konstantinos Kokkalis (ICCS)Room 11-13
Questions to be answered
- What high-potential use cases / applications are not yet automated?
- What unsolved robotic/AI challenges are hindering the automation of those use cases applications?
- Which companies/end users are interested in the automation of those use cases?
Organisation of the WS
- 08:30-09:15: Presentation of 4-5 selected representative use cases by end-users highlighting common robotic and AI challenges
- 09:15-9:50: Poster Sessions, where system integrators and RTOs can peruse the use cases and discuss potential solutions with end-users.
Intended outcome
- List of challenging high-potential use cases by end-users
- Identified clusters of common robotic and AI challenges
- For ERF2026/2027: Feedback from end-users whether challenges have been solved
Speakers, Panelists, etc
To be announced.
Topic Groups and/or Innovation networks involved
Projects involved
- AI-Matters (
- W2W (
- Diginitrace (
- Theseus (Start Dec-2024)
- Optiminer (Start Jan-2025)
Further information
- Ramez Awad (Fraunhofer IPA),
- Dr. Björn Kahl (Fraunhofer IPA),
- Dr. Fotios Konstantinidis (ICCS),
- Konstantinos Kokkalis (ICCS)
Wed 08:30 - 09:50
AI, Business, Challenges, End-users, Use-cases