CS4R – Cybersecurity for Robotic

CS4R - Cybersecurity for Robotic

Endika Gil Uriarte (ALIAS ROBOTICS) Victor Mayoral Vilches (Alias Robotics)Room 25-27

Questions to be answered

Cybersecurity for robotics is a topic that is gaining major relevance for manufacturers, SIs and asset owners due to the advent of EU cybersecurity regulation. The session will provide practical cases where robot cybersecurity is fostered in different settings and provide insights on how to keep up with existing regulatory landscape.


Cybersecurity for robotics is a topic that is gaining major relevance for manufacturers, SIs and asset owners due to the advent of EU cybersecurity regulation. The session will provide practical cases where robot cybersecurity is fostered in different settings and provide insights on how to keep up with existing regulatory landscape.


  • Cybersecurity regulation landscape for robots (TDLH, remote)
  • Practical case: EU funded Next Generation RIS. Autonomous cybersecurity testing on robotic system as a method to comply with EU regulation (Victor Mayoral, Alias Robotics)
  • Practical case: Improving industrial robot resiliency EU funded Resilmesh (Brian Lee, TUS)
  • Practical case: Medical robot cybersecurity compliance

Organisation of the WS

WS will host a series on talks on robot cybersecurity

Intended outcome

How to keep robots secure and compliant in line with EU cybersecurity standards and regulation. The attendees will learn about security regulation applicable to robots and existing enabling technologies and procedures.

Further information

Endika Gil-Uriarte, Victor Mayoral Vilches, Paul Zabalegui Landa


Endika Gil-Uriarte, Victor Mayoral Vilches, Paul Zabalegui Landa
Wed 16:00 - 17:20
<p>Cybersecurity, FDA, IEC, industrial robots, ISO, MDR, medical robots.</p>, norms, safety, security, standards