WS#61 Democratizing safe human-robot collaborations on industrial shop floors
Roland Behrens (Fraunhofer IFF), Theo Jacobs (Fraunhofer IPA), Clara Fischer (JOANNEUM RESEARCH ROBOTICS), Cecilia Scoccia (Università Politecnica delle Marche, ilabs), Robin Kirschner (TU München) robin-Room 25-27
Questions to be answered
- How can intelligent tools support rapid and simple implementation of safe human-robot collaboration?
- How can AI, such as ChatGPT, be integrated into tools for supporting and guiding users with limited safety expertise?
- Why is it essential to consider worker-specific characteristics (such as age, gender, and disabilities) in ensuring the safety of human-robot collaboration in industrial settings?
- How can user-specific needs be considered in the safe design of human-robot collaboration on the industrial shop floor with the help of digital risk assessment tools?
The democratization of safe human-robot collaboration involves efficiently and simply designing risk assessment processes while considering the diverse needs of various user groups. The following points will be discussed in this workshop:
- Robotics for everyone: Addressing worker’s diversity in the safe design of Human-Robot-Collaboration (age, gender, disabilities)
- Upcoming challenges of robot safety: Need for fast reconfigurability, easy adaptation to new tasks, adaptable or automated CE
- Potential solution: Use of intelligent software tools that guide users through risk assessment and risk reduction, automatically identify optimal safety parameters, facilitate a dynamic electronic CE certification, and also provide methods for evaluating safety functions that include AI
- Explore currently existing approaches and tools and discuss future potential; identify requirements for further development of such tools from end-user perspective
- Robotics for inclusion ·Diversity in Robot Safety: Integrating gender and diversity aspects in current safety requirements and design guidelines for HRC
- Hazards in human-robot collaborations: studies on new injury thresholds, key learnings on the diversity of injury severity
- Robotic solutions for worker support: relieve overstraining, prevent work-related illnesses, and compensate for age-related changes or disabilities, exoskeletons in production
- Semi-automatic and user-oriented safety: how existing tools can be further developed to meet the diversity in industrial shop floors
Organisation of the WS
The WS is organized as follows:
WS Introduction - 5-10 mins
- What is the WS about and how is it organized?
- Who are the speakers
- What are the goals?
3 pitch presentations - 30 min total (8 min + 2 min questions each)
- Topic 1: Making Risk Assessment Simple and Fast with Intelligent Software Tools (Theo Jacobs, Fraunhofer IPA)
- Motivation: Maintaining safety fast, simple, and prospectively autonomous in changing applications
- Tools for the planning stage: CARA, Digital Risk Assessment
- Tools for safety at runtime: Digital Safety Validation, Robo-Dashcam
- Topic 2: Addressing Worker’s Diversity in the Safe Design of Human-Robot-Collaboration (Clara Fischer, Joanneum Research Robotics)
- Biomechanical limits according to ISO 15066-1 with differentiation between different groups of people
- Effect of body size in collisions collision scenarios
- An adaptive workplace
- Topic 3: Practical Applicability of Considering Diversity in Safe Human-Robot Collaboration through Digital Risk Assessment (Roland Behrens, Fraunhofer IFF)
- Concept of a holistic, digital safety
- Extension of the risk assessment process to consider the individual user
Interactive part - 30 min
- Attendees will be divided in 3 break out sessions (related to the pitch presentations)
- Each group elaborates on one of the three topics presented using the Start-Stop-Continue method
Final summary - 20-25 min
- The outcomes of the breakout sessions will be shared and discussed with all participants
Intended outcome
- Get feedback from the market
- Dissemination (state of the art, ongoing research and feedback received in the WS)
- Awareness (Risks, Safety, users needs, diversity, acceptance)
- Build project consortiums / new contacts for consortiums
Speakers, Panelists, etc
- Roland Behrens (Fraunhofer IFF) - Germany
- Theo Jacobs (Fraunhofer IPA) - Germany
- Clara Fischer (JOANNEUM RESEARCH ROBOTICS) - Austria
- Cecilia Scoccia (Università Politecnica delle Marche, ilabs) - Italy
- Rasmus Adler (Fraunhofer IESE) – Germany
Topic Groups and/or Innovation networks involved
TG safety
Projects involved
- SAFEIVERSE: Integrating diversity and inclusion into the design of safe human-robot collaboration - Project of JOANNEUM RESEARCH ROBOTICS (Austria) -
Further information
- Roland Behrens (Fraunhofer IFF),
- Theo Jacobs (Fraunhofer IPA),
- Cecilia Scoccia (Università Politecnica delle Marche, ilabs),
- Robin Kirschner (TU München)
Thu 11:10 - 12:30
Collaboration, Industry, Safety