WS#13 Industrial Robotics Safety: Challenges, Methods, and Strategies

WS#13 Industrial Robotics Safety: Challenges, Methods, and Strategies

Magnus Albert (SICK AG), Michael Rathmair (Joanneum Research), Ulrich Kirchmaier (Elektrobit Automotive GmbH)Room 22-24

Questions to be answered

Novel technologies enable innovation in industrial robotics. However, these innovations will only be accepted, if they prove to be safe. Continuing the series of successful workshops at the past editions of the euRobotics Forum, we will present and discuss new methodologies and approaches to guarantee the health and wellbeing of the users - also beyond the well known state of the art. This year’s workshop will focus along the following guiding questions:

  • Can innovation in robotics be facilitated by adopting automotive grade ready-to-use solutions and technologies?
  • Is it possible to assess the safety of a robot in a given context at runtime and what would be appropriate methods and models?
  • What are the trends in robot safety research, and what challenges arise in transferring these findings to industrial applications?


The workshop brings together safety experts along the whole life-cycle of robotics. Following up on our previous workshops we would like to continue our joint efforts to enable innovations by novel methods and technologies ensuring the safety of robotics systems. This year’s workshop will focus on dynamic aspects at runtime and will focus on three main aspects: Can dynamic high-level robot control be facilitated by incorporating functional safe operating systems developed for automotive use cases? Which novel functionality may be part of dynamic risk-reduction measures at runtime? How can flexibility and adaptability of robotics systems benefit from verification at runtime?

Organisation of the WS

A short introduction will be followed by three 12-minute pitches to stimulate discussion. The talks will focus around different aspects of the safety life-cycle, i.e. the design and implementation, and the verification and validation. There will be a short question session after each talk.

We will then arrange a fish-bowl discussion with the tree speakers and involving experts from the audience. Participants will be encouraged to actively engage in the discussion, to share insights and own experiences, and to interact with the speakers. The format will allow for in-depth discussions of the topics and will facilitate the identification of common interests that might result in concrete actions.

Intended outcome

  • Bring together safety experts from different domains
  • Strengthen the euRobotics network’s safety competence and the collaboration between TG safety, TG industrial robotics, TG Standardisation
  • Engage in pre-standardization to facilitate the establishment of novel methods and technologies in standards

Speakers, Panelists, etc

Moderators: Magnus Albert, José Saenz


  • Ulrich Kirchmaier, Elektrobit Automotive GmbH
    Title: Functional Safe Robotic Operations
  • [TBD]

Title: Human-System Interaction - HW Sicht auf dynamische Systemänderungen]

  • Michael Rathmair, Joanneum Research Robotics
    Title: Runtime Verification to Enhance Safety in flexible Robot Applications

Topic Groups and/or Innovation networks involved

TGs: Safety, Standardisation, Industrial Robotics

Projects involved


Further information


  • Magnus Albert (SICK AG),
  • Michael Rathmair (Joanneum Research),
  • Ulrich Kirchmaier (Elektrobit Automotive GmbH)
Thu 08:30 - 09:50
Data, Safety, Validation, Verification