WS#4 Machina delinquere (non) potest – Ethical consideration in AI and Robotics

WS#4 Machina delinquere (non) potest - Ethical consideration in AI and Robotics

Agata Suwala (MTC), Prof. Avv. Stefano Aterno (E-Lex), Sharath Akkaladevi (PROFACTOR GmbH), Franziska Kirstein (Blue Ocean Robotics)Room 20

Questions to be answered

Ethical considerations

  • What are the ethical considerations with respect to robotics and AI?
  • Ethical application of robots and AI across different cultures and societies?
  • Ethical decision-making
  • Applications of robotics and AI

Addressing Trustworthiness in Robotics and AI

  • Ensuring human well-being and societal values
  • Importance of global guidelines for trustworthiness in AI and robotics
  • How can AI and robotics development avoid amplifying existing biases and inequalities in society?
  • Researchers and policymakers perspective on ethics in robotics/AI


Self-driving vehicles have already been involved in serious traffic accidents. Autonomous weapons can attack military targets without requiring the approval of a human operator but could strike civilians unrelated to the conflict. What responsibilities should or can remain with humans given the great limitations in predicting Robot and AI behaviour ?

Robotics and AI,in particular, have been a growing topic both in academia and industry. Introducing these novel and game-changing technologies has the potential to transform the way we design, produce and use items, but there are a number of ethical considerations that need to be addressed and understood.

This workshop will delve into two main topics relating to ethics in AI and robotics. First we will look into what are the ethical considerations that apply to robotics and AI - whether that is looking at societies and cultures or the legal implications for companies, end-users and customers. The second part will look to how we can address these considerations - whether that is through creating guidelines or increasing the trustworthiness of AI and robotics using AI.

Organisation of the WS

0 - 10 mins: Introduction - general presentation

10 - 20 mins: Introduction - technical presentation

25 - 75 mins: Panel discussion

75 - 90 mins: Wrap up

Intended outcome

To attract interest regarding the interconnection between AI, ethics and robotics, and its impacts. Increase the understanding of links between robotics, AI and ethics from both the technology and societal point of view.

  • Introduction - general: Agata Suwala (MTC)
  • Introduction - technical: Ana Cavalcanti (University of York)
  • Panellist 1: Karol Janik (MTC)
  • Panellist 2: Rich Walker (Shadow Robot)
  • Panellist 3: Christophe Leroux (CEA)
  • Panellist 4: Stefano Aterno (E-Lex)
  • Moderator: Agata Suwala (MTC)

Speakers, Panelists, etc

Topic Groups and/or Innovation networks involved

Projects involved

MTC, Creating an Accessible Workplace, Jessica Thorne, 2022

Further information


  • Agata Suwala (MTC),
  • Prof. Avv. Stefano Aterno (E-Lex),
  • Sharath Akkaladevi (PROFACTOR GmbH),
  • Franziska Kirstein (Blue Ocean Robotics)
Tue 08:30 - 09:50
AI, Ethics, Legislation, Liability