WS#49 Next-Gen Software Systems Engineering for Robotics and Automation: Towards future proof architectures, platforms, tools

WS#49 Next-Gen Software Systems Engineering for Robotics and Automation: Towards future proof architectures, platforms, tools

Christian Schlegel (Technische Hochschule Ulm), Julian Öltjen (voraus robotik GmbH), Arne Nordmann (NEURA Robotics GmbH)Room 14-16

Questions to be answered

  • What’s next in software systems engineering for robotics?
  • What’s next in software-driven automation?
  • What are opportunities in robotics and automation of generative AI for tools for development, configuration and deployment?
  • What are challenges and needs foremost from users and what are priorities?


  • Elaborate latest trends in software-driven automation and delve into the cutting edge of software engineering for robotics
  • Explore the latest trends and discuss the next steps including the opportunities of generative AI for next-gen development, configuration and deployment tools and platforms for robotics and automation
  • Keynote talk by Geoffrey Biggs and insights and case studies from “voraus robotik GmbH”

Organisation of the WS

5 min Welcome

20+10 min Invited Keynote Talk Geoffrey Biggs, Open Robotics, US:

Evolutionary changes in ROS 2 through 9 years of design and use

20+10 min Julian Öltjen, voraus robotik GmbH
Building next-generation automation and robotics platforms:

Insights and use-cases

20 min Interactive Moderated Mentimeter Session:

Needs, Challenges, Priorities in S/W Systems Engineering

Intended outcome

  • Achieve a better mutual understanding and sustainable networking between stakeholders interested in all aspects of software systems engineering (academia, industry, novice, experienced, from different domains, different TGs, from robotics, software, automation) to foster follow-up activities
  • Increase awareness that the TG serves as THE meeting place for the community, its experts and for actively shaping and moderating and discussing conceptual and technical issues
  • Get insights into use-case demands

Speakers, Panelists, etc

  • Christian Schlegel, Technische Hochschule Ulm (Organizer, Moderator)
  • Julian Öltjen, voraus robotik GmbH (Organizer, Moderator)
  • Geoffrey Biggs, Open Robotics, US (Keynote Talk)
  • Audience (Discussions)

Topic Groups and/or Innovation networks involved

  • Topic Group Software Engineering, Systems Integration and Systems Engineering

Projects involved

  • none

Further information


  • Christian Schlegel (Technische Hochschule Ulm),
  • Julian Öltjen (voraus robotik GmbH),
  • Arne Nordmann (NEURA Robotics GmbH)
Wed 08:30 - 09:50
AI, Software and systems engineering