WS#8 Pushing the limits of robotics for sustainable use of space

WS#8 Pushing the limits of robotics for sustainable use of space

Miguel A. Olivares Mendez (University of Luxembourg), Carlos J.Pérez-del-Pulgar (University of Malaga), Amit Kumar Pandey (Rovial Space), Franziska Kirstein (Blue Ocean Robotics)Room 20

Questions to be answered

  • Innovation: What are the current challenges in Space Robotics? Which initiatives and efforts are ongoing or should be initiated to overcome challenges? How can Space Robotics support use cases related to sustainability and planetary exploration? Which SDGs relate to sustainability in Space Robotics?
  • Community: How could I get information about funding sources for Space Robotics? Where could I meet with organizations with an interest in Space Robotics? How could I participate in different activities related to Space Robotics?


The field of robotics for space applications is rapidly advancing. Beyond planetary exploration, in-orbit services facilitated by robotics are gaining significant momentum. These services encompass a range of critical activities, including assembly, maintenance, and manufacturing in space. To maintain and enhance its innovation leadership and strategic advantages, Europe must take the lead in orbital robotics. This workshop aims to lay the groundwork for identifying and prioritizing the necessary initiatives and efforts in this domain. Special focus will be put on how Space Robotics can support use cases related to space exploration and sustainability (e.g. power generation, debris handling, …). By involving diverse stakeholders and fostering a collaborative ecosystem, we seek to advance innovation and cultivate a thriving market for in-orbit robotic services, to shape the future of space robotics and ensure Europe's prominent role in this transformative field.

Organisation of the WS

00:00 - 00:10 Introduction to workshop and topic, update by the Topic Groups

00:10 - 00:20 Interactive poll

00:20 - 00:50 Impulse talks. Speakers to be confirmed, preliminary areas for talks:

  • Collaboration between Academia, SMEs and big companies in space (robotics)
  • Application areas/ tech transfer/ advancements
  1. Multi robots
  2. Teleoperation
  3. In-orbit services (assembly, maintenance, …)
  4. Sustainability

00:50 - 01:15 Panel discussion with focus on research and market questions (15min community, 20min innovation)

01:15 - 1:20 Wrap up and closing

Intended outcome

The workshop aims to connect leading experts, innovators, and stakeholders in

the field of space robotics. The audience will be updated about Topic Groups activities, and funding opportunities and gain knowledge of the latest advancements and emerging trends. The workshop will discuss key needs for in-orbit robotics and the use cases to solve future challenges connected to space exploration and sustainability. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to engage in defining future roadmaps related to Space Robotics and shaping a collaborative ecosystem for advancing innovation and market growth in the domain.

Insights into priority research areas and EC calls as well as networking among participants will drive collaborative projects to push for scientific and technological progress.

Speakers, Panelists, etc

Moderators: Miguel A. Olivares-Mendez and Carlos J. Pérez-del-Pulgar,

Topic Groups and/or Innovation networks involved

  • TG Space Robotics
  • TG Robotics for Sustainability
  • TG Socially Intelligent Robots and Societal Applications

Projects involved

Further information


  • Miguel A. Olivares Mendez (University of Luxembourg),
  • Carlos J.Pérez-del-Pulgar (University of Malaga),
  • Amit Kumar Pandey (Rovial Space),
  • Franziska Kirstein (Blue Ocean Robotics)
Tue 16:00 - 17:20
Space, Sustainability