WS#6 Robotics & AI for Harsh Environments: Cross-sector synergies and opportunities

WS#6 Robotics & AI for Harsh Environments: Cross-sector synergies and opportunities

Eloise Matheson (CERN), Ladislav Vargovčík (Technical University Kosice), Karol Janik (Manufacturing Technology Centre)Room 20

Questions to be answered

1. What are the key technological and operational challenges for deploying robotics and AI in harsh environments, and how can shared autonomy and teleoperation address them?

2. How can lessons and technologies developed for one sector (e.g., nuclear or big science) be transferred to benefit another (e.g., forestry or deep-sea exploration)?

3. What are the pathways for fostering collaboration across industries to drive innovation, standardization, and cost-effective solutions in harsh environment robotics?


Harsh and challenging environments – from nuclear decommissioning sites and dense forestry management operations to cutting-edge big science facilities – demand innovative Robotics solutions including remote operations, telerobotics, and supervised autonomy. These sectors share similar challenges: extreme conditions, limited human access, and the need for high precision, safety and reliability.

This workshop explores how Robotics and AI can address these challenges and identifies opportunities for cross-sector knowledge sharing and technology adoption. By leveraging synergies between industries, we aim to accelerate the development and deployment of robotics systems that can thrive in hostile and unstructured environments.

The session will feature three keynote presentations from leading experts in robotics and AI for harsh environments, covering advancements and case studies in remote operations, shared autonomy, and sensor integration. Each presentation will highlight specific sector challenges, innovative solutions, and lessons learned from deployments in nuclear, big science, and forestry sectors.

Following the keynotes, there will be an interactive Q&A session where participants can engage directly with the speakers. The workshop will conclude with a panel discussion featuring experts and industry leaders, focusing on cross-sector synergies, collaborative opportunities, and future directions for robotics and AI in harsh environments.

Organisation of the WS

0-15 min keynote presentation + Q&A Big Science/Fusion

15-30 min keynote presentation + Q&A Nuclear

30-40 min keynote presentation + Q&A Forestry Machinery
45-60 min keynote presentation + Q&A Technology Solutions

60-80min discussion details

Intended outcome

This workshop will bring together experts, practitioners, and researchers to showcase successes, share challenges, and build bridges between sectors, ultimately fostering innovation and accelerating adoption. As a stretch goal the workshop would aim to create a short whitepaper publication.

Speakers, Panelists, etc

  1. Big Science - Eloise Matheson (CERN)
  2. Nuclear - Emmanuel Wozniak (EDF)
  3. Forestry - Esa Haapa-aho (Terrasolid)
  4. Tech Provider - Azmat Hossain (Extend Robotics)
  5. Discussion on possible future activities - Ladislav Vargovčík (Technical University Kosice)

Topic Groups and/or Innovation networks involved

  • euRobotics Telerobotics Topic Group
  • euRobotics Harsh Environments Topic Group

Projects involved

Further information


  • Eloise Matheson (CERN),
  • Ladislav Vargovčík (Technical University Kosice),
  • Karol Janik (Manufacturing Technology Centre)
Tue 14:00 - 15:20
Artificial Intelligence, Forestry, Harsh environments, Nuclear, Remote Operations, Robotics, Shared Autonomy, Teleoperation, Telerobotics