WS#30 Test before Invest! : Reproducibility, benchmarking and competitions as enablers of technology transfer for Robot Skills in Manufacturing, Circular Economy, Smart Cities and Smart Lands.

WS#30 Test before Invest! : Reproducibility, benchmarking and competitions as enablers of technology transfer for Robot Skills in Manufacturing, Circular Economy, Smart Cities and Smart Lands.

Fabio Bonsignorio (University of Zagreb FER and Heron Robots), Pedro U. Lima (ISR/IST, University of Lisbon), Daniel Bargmannc (Fraunhofer IPA), Peter So (TUM), Mikkel Olsen (DTI), Ian Pulford (Smart City Consultancy)Room 14-16

Questions to be answered

When can research results be considered ‘true’? What does it mean that some research results are ‘reproducible’? How can different approaches to cope with the same task sets be compared? How to estimate the TRL of a robotic solution? Does it make sense to talk about ‘Evidence Based’ Investing and Technology Transfer in Robotics? How to encourage modular, transferable and reusable solutions for robotics subsystems.


The fundamental objective of this workshop is to furnish practical examples, case studies, and direction for a thorough comprehension of the role of reproducibility, benchmarking, competitions and challenges in robotics, facilitated by expert inspiration and mentoring. By emphasizing the importance of consistent and reproducible results in practical robotic applications, we seek to expand knowledge, facilitate collaborative research and crucially speed up the rate of innovation.

We will highlight the critical roles of robot competitions, challenges as well as reproducibility and benchmarking, and modularity, transferability and compositionality, fostering research and innovation progresses, as well as reducing the hurdles in robot technologies' transferability from lab to market. (euROBIN)

We will discuss challenges, competitions, reproducibility and benchmarking can accelerate the transition to sustainable Manufacturing, Circular Economy and Smart Cities.

Organisation of the WS

There will be a few <5’ short TED style talks. They will be followed by a discussion based on interactive tools like mentimeter and the likes. There will be a follow up using

We will have:

- Opening Session presenting Challenges in Robot Transferability

- Invited (mini)Talks from Industry Domain Experts (Manufacturing, Recycling,Refurbishment, Medical,...)

- Example for Measuring Reproducibility. We will show the euROBIN Electronic Task Board - Lessons Learned.

Followed by a Discussion of Future and Current applications and how to ‘validate’ them as technology transfer candidates.

Intended outcome

Validation of the ‘Rimini Declaration’ and a one page summary of it.

Speakers, Panelists, etc

Fabio Bonsignorio, Pedro Lima, Matthew Studtley, Ian Pulford, Daniel Bargmannn, Mikkel Olsen, Peter So. Other speakers need to be confirmed.

There will be an open call for short talks to collect info about ongoing research and experiences in Europe and globally.

Topic Groups and/or Innovation networks involved

Benchmarking and Competitions, Software Engineering, Industrial Robotics, Service Robotics, Systems Integration and Systems Engineering

Projects involved

euRobin,, EU Grant No 101070596

Further information

F. Bonsignorio and A. P. del Pobil, "Toward Replicable and Measurable Robotics Research [From the Guest Editors]," in IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 32-35, Sept. 2015, doi: 10.1109/MRA.2015.2452073.

keywords: {Special issues and sections;Benchmarking;Measurements;Robots},

F. Bonsignorio, "A New Kind of Article for Reproducible Research in Intelligent Robotics [From the Field]," in IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 178-182, Sept. 2017, doi: 10.1109/MRA.2017.2722918.

keywords: {Robot kinematics;Research and development;Artificial intelligence},

The Rimini Declaration:

The Euron GEM Guidelines:



  • Fabio Bonsignorio (University of Zagreb FER and Heron Robots),
  • Pedro U. Lima (ISR/IST, University of Lisbon),
  • Daniel Bargmannc (Fraunhofer IPA),
  • Peter So (TUM),
  • Mikkel Olsen (DTI),
  • Ian Pulford (Smart City Consultancy)
Tue 16:00 - 17:20
Benchmarking, Competitions, Innovation, Reproducibility, Reusability, Tech transfer