These terms and conditions apply for exhibiting SPONSORS and EXHIBITORS

1. The exhibition

The exhibition is part of the European Robotics Forum 2023 [ERF2023], which is organized and managed by SDU ([the Organizer]) in cooperation with euRobotics,aisbl (together [The Organizers]). Any matters not covered in these Terms & Conditions or the SPONSOR- AND/OR EXHIBITOR AGREEMENT are subject to the interpretation of SDU, and all SPONSORS and EXHIBITORS must abide by their decisions. SDU shall have full power to interpret, amend, and enforce these rules and regulations, provided any amendments, when made, are brought to the notice of SPONSOR and EXHIBITOR. Each SPONSOR and EXHIBITOR, for themself and their employees, agrees to abide by the foregoing rules and regulations and by any amendments or additions thereto in conformance with preceding sentence.

2. Application for exhibition space.

Exibition space will be allocated on a ‘first come – first served’ basis, and where possible, in accordance with the SPONSOR’s and EXHIBITOR’s choice and preference upon signing up in the Conference Manger System. The Organizers shall reserve the right to refuse any application for exhibition space or prohibit any exhibit without assigning any reason for such refusal or prohibition. Should it be necessary to revise the layout of the ERF2023 for any purpose, the Organizers reserve the right to alter the positions of booths as, in their opinion, may be required in the best interest of the SPONSORS and EXHIBITORS.

3. Display Installation. 

Each exhibition space is provided with one round café table and one standard 3-connecter box with 230V, 50Hz outlet, with an approximate consumption of up to 1 Kw pr. day. There are no walls around the booths, and no sidewalls are allowed, due to local fore regulations.

Extras has to be ordered separately, either from Venue ODEON, or from the Venue’s supplier Nim Brand Board. On the ERF2023 website under “Useful information for Exhibitors”, will be posted practical exhibitor information. This page is subject to change without notice, and it is the SPONSORS and EXHIBITORS own responsibility, to stay updated with regards to this information. Any questions that are not answered on the mentioned page, may be directed to ERF2023-EXHIBITOR@sdu.dk. The webpage describes the type and arrangement of exhibit space and the standard equipment provided with each exhibition. All booth space must be arranged and constructed in accordance with the guidelines, provisions, and limitations contained on this page.


a) No SPONSORS or EXHIBITORS will be permitted to install exhibits or display in such a manner as, in the opinion of the Organizers, obstructs the light or impedes the view along the open spaces or gangways.

b) Gangways must be kept clear and free for passage and must not be littered or obstructed in any way.

c) Plans for specifically built individual stands must be approved by the Organizers before construction is ordered.

d) Maximum height of any exhibition is 2,50 meters.

e) NO sidewalls are allowed, unless approved by the Organizer, due to local fire regulations.

4. Promotional Material

During registration the SPONSOR or EXHIBITOR uploads the following material, or sends it after to ERF2023-exhibitor@sdu.dk , with the subject line: “Promotional material”: Logo in vector format for use on website and printed material. URL to company website, or preferred subpage. Promotional company description, no more than 500 chars all in all.

5. SPONSOR’s and EXHIBITOR’s Conduct.

The SPONSORS and EXHIBITORS are responsible to the Organizers for ensuring that its booth is maintained in a clean and orderly state during opening hours. The SPONSORS and EXHIBITORS (and each of its representatives, as appropriate) shall not:

a) make sales that result in the exchange of product or money within the exhibition;

b) bring or distribute food (apart from simple candies), alcoholic drinks into the exhibition, unless specifically allowed by the Organizer;

c) operate games of chance or lottery devices or actual or simulated pursuit of any recreation pastime without prior written consent from the Organizers;

d) use “live” microphones or loudspeaker equipment in any Space, unless specifically allowed by the Organizer, but laptop computers, portable film, slide and videotape projectors may be utilized as long as other rules are met.

e) use paper decorations or branches, unless fireproofed.

f) use any other dangerous materials, combustible or otherwise, as laid down by local authorities. Any materials or exhibits not approved must be removed from the premises

g) use live candles or open fire in any way.

6. Fire Precautions.

All inflammable materials shall be effectively fireproofed or otherwise processed against fire in accordance with any statutory or local regulations or requirements to which the exhibition may be subject. All electrical wiring and cables must be clear of the floor. No packing materials or empty boxes must be stored on or behind stands. Fire Points and Exits must be kept clear at all times. The SPONSOR or EXHIBITOR must adhere to all fire and safety regulations which affect the exhibition.

7. Damage to Venue.

No nails, screws or other fixtures may be driven into any part of the Venue structure including floors. Any stickers on floors, walls ect., must be removed completely after the exhibition, without damage to the Venue. No vehicles may enter the Venue without prior permission. Care should be taken to avoid any damage to any part of the Venue structure. Should any such damage or disfigurement occur, the SPONSOR or EXHIBITOR shall be liable for any reparation charges incurred.

8. Photography/Video/Recording.

SPONSORS and EXHIBITORS agrees that the Organizers may record, broadcast or take photographs or video of the SPONSOR’s or EXHIBITORS’s exhibition space, exhibit, and exhibit personnel as part of the recording or broadcasting of the ERF2023 in general and not solely the SPONSOR or EXHIBITOR, and the SPONSOR or EXHIBITOR authorizes such for any promotional use by the Organizers.

9. Annoyance.

The Organizers reserve the right to regulate any activity on the part of any SPONSOR or EXHIBITOR that may cause annoyance to other SPONSORS of EXHIBITORS or visitors to the ERF2023. This includes excessive noise from working exhibits or sound equipment. Business must be conducted only from within the SPONSOR’s or EXHIBITOR’s own booth area. This includes the handing out of advertising material.

10. Security.

The Organizers and Venue shall under no liability for loss or damage to exhibitions, both on and off business hours. Name badges must be worn at all times by SPONSORS and EXHIBITORS. The lower foyer of the Venue is open to the public, and hosts, amongst others, a theater and a café, that may be open at night.

11. Health & Safety.

All personnel entering the Venue must comply with all current health and safety legislation. Risk Assessments should be provided by all SPONSORS and EXHIBITORS prior to the event.

12. Exemptions.

Exemptions from any of these Terms and Conditions may be granted at the Organizers’ discretion. No exemption will be effective unless it is given in writing.

Ver. 1.0 – updated 20221109