Call for Late Breaking Results Posters

We are excited to announce the Call for Late Breaking Results Poster for ERF2025. As the most influential event in the field of robotics throughout the Europe, we extend an invitation to all researchers, scientists and practical engineers to present the latest findings and results in robotics research. This session aims to identify the most innovative concepts and to spark the future developments within the robotics community.

We invite prospective authors to submit an abstract of their research in electronic format, with a maximum length of one page. Content of the abstract: Motivation behind your research, the Problem Statement, the Main Results, and your Main References. If already available: Please upload your Poster or Draft Poster.

Please note that submissions are neither peer-reviewed nor published. Following acceptance, one of the authors is required to present the poster at ERF2025 in Stuttgart. Please submit your application before 10 February 2025, 12:00 CET on the Submission Platform (registration required).

Timeline Late Breaking result posters ERF2025 (All Deadlines are 12:00 CET)

  • 16-12-2024: Submission open
  • 10-02-2025: Submission of one page abstracts closed
  • 24-02-2025: Notification of acceptance
  • 03-03-2025: Deadline for final submission of Late Breaking result poster

Important Dates

All deadlines are 12:00 CET

03-12-2022: Submission open
31-01-2023: Submission closes
13-02-2023: Notification of acceptance
20-02-2023: Deadline for final submissions of Late Breaking Results (posters)

Accepted presenters will prepare a poster which they will present at the ERF2023. We encourage you to integrate a QR-code to access a video in which your work is explained in more detail. For each poster, one of the authors needs to register for and be present at the ERF2023.
We ask the presenters to be physically at their poster during the first (morning) coffee break of every day.

Frequently Asked Questions

This session is to share the latest research in robotics research and development with the community. The submissions undergo a quick review process and are not held to the same standards as full papers.

We ask poster presenters to be physically at their poster during the first (morning) coffee break of every day of the conference. If possible, try to also be there during the second coffee break

One of the authors of each accepted poster is expected to be present at the poster during the entire session.

Yes. At least one author of each accepted poster needs to register for the ERF2023 (Registration without paper).
Please visit the for details.

The poster should describe robotics research or applications that will be of interest to the ERF audience. Posters are not formally peer-reviewed, but normal standards of academic integrity and presentation apply. References should be given to prior work.
Application papers, including projects in education, are welcome.

Yes. If you are proud of your work so far, and your ideas will be of interest to the ERF audience. Posters can be somewhat speculative.

At most 2 posters per registration are allowed.

For additional information, please contact the ERF 2023 program organisation at