WS#59 How can European regions stimulate innovations in robotics?
Questions to be answered Goal of the workshop is to inspire, discuss and deepen joint understanding of innovation strategies: knowledge exchange and insights in how regional and national innovation instruments & strategies can stimulate innovation with and uptake of robotics technology. Description Organization of the workshop: Opening, welcome, introduction to the topic. Five short pitches […]
WS#45 Remanufacturing and recycling: are robots the way to a sustainable future?
Questions to be answered Is the current direction of robotic research the right way to improve the autonomy and flexibility required by the evaluation, disassembly, and sorting for recycling and remanufacturing? Open issues and current technological limits of robotized disassembly. What are the current challenges of robotics and automation hindering more effective and reliable robotic […]
WS#39 Bringing Exoskeletons to Life in Europe: From Labs to Real-World Impact: part II
Questions to be answered What research is being done on occupational exoskeletons? What different types of exoskeletons are there? How does it feel to wear an exoskeleton? To which extent have exoskeletons been adopted? Which aspects are important to enhance acceptance of people to wear exoskeletons? Description This second workshop on exoskeletons focuses on how […]
WS#30 Test before Invest! : Reproducibility, benchmarking and competitions as enablers of technology transfer for Robot Skills in Manufacturing, Circular Economy, Smart Cities and Smart Lands.
Questions to be answered When can research results be considered ‘true’? What does it mean that some research results are ‘reproducible’? How can different approaches to cope with the same task sets be compared? How to estimate the TRL of a robotic solution? Does it make sense to talk about ‘Evidence Based’ Investing and Technology […]
WS#8 Pushing the limits of robotics for sustainable use of space
Questions to be answered Innovation: What are the current challenges in Space Robotics? Which initiatives and efforts are ongoing or should be initiated to overcome challenges? How can Space Robotics support use cases related to sustainability and planetary exploration? Which SDGs relate to sustainability in Space Robotics? Community: How could I get information about funding […]