Knowledge transfer from the Digital Innovation Hubs Network DIH-HERO

Areas mainly addressed: Healthcare, the workshop is generic enough about knowledge transfer that it is applicable to all domains 

Main questions to be answered: 

· How to transfer knowledge: what works and what doesn’t work? 

· How to measure (KPIs) the success of the knowledge transfer? 

WS Description: This workshop will give insights on how knowledge and which knowledge is transferred from the Digital Innovation Hubs Network (DIH) project DIH-HERO to companies, healthcare professionals and others. Details about what works and what doesn’t work will be provided, together with KPIs how we measured the impact. This is based on running the project for 4 years. 

Intended outcome: Information about community involvement and services offered (e.g. DIHs, open calls, platforms, …), Workshop discussion topics of common interest, success stories, use cases, etc 

Approach: We will discuss multiple transfer paths that we have organised: 

0) Introduction (5 minute) – Françoise Siepel (Univ of Twente) 

1) Webinars vs face-to-face workshops (10 min) – Brecht Vermeulen (imec/Univ of Ghent), Paola Boscolo (IIT) 

2) Website, portal and directories (10 min) – Selene Tognarelli (Santanna Pisa) 

3) Knowledge conferences (10 min) – Andrea Schwier (DLR) 

4) Knowledge base (10 min) – David Bisset (iTechnic) 

5) Open calls and innovation coaches (10min) – Maren Boedding (Univ of Twente) 

6) Standardization and certification work) (10 min) – Ainara Garzo (Tecnalia) 

7) Q&A (15 min) 

For interaction, we will compare the feedback and expectations of the audience on all knowledge transfer paths with the lessons we have learned. For this we will organise an interactive poll/discussion before each presented path. 

Contributors: Brecht Vermeulen, imec/Ghent University, confirmed 

Francoise Siepel, UTwente, confirmed 

Andrea Schwier, DLR, confirmed 

Maren Boedding, UTwente, confirmed 

Selene Tognarelli, Santanna Pisa, confirmed 

Paola Boscolo, IIT, confirmed 

Ainara Garzo, Tecnalia, confirmed 

David Bisset, iTechnic, confirmed 

Further information: 


· Brecht Vermeulen,, imec/Ghent University

· Francoise Siepel,, Univ of Twente

Event Timeslots (1)

Room 107 – Floor 1
15 March - B2B and Innovation
Brecht Vermeulen