PhD award finalists pitches

Areas mainly addressed: depending on the finalists’ topics 

Main questions to be answered: 

· Session devoted to the presentations of the PhD award finalists 

WS Description: The session is devoted at the presentations by the finalists of the 22nd edition of the euRobotics George Giralt PhD award: 

Andriella Antonio Spain Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC Personalising robot assistance for cognitive training therapy 

Balachandran Ribin Germany Technical University of Munich A Stable and Transparent Framework for Adaptive Shared Control of Robots 

Lachner Johannes Netherlands University of Twente A Geometric Approach to Robotic Manipulation in physical Human-Robot Interaction 

Mansfeld Nico Germany Technical University of Munich Safety Awareness for Rigid and Elastic Joint Robots: An Impact Dynamics and Control Framework 

Intended outcome: Award 

Approach: 5 minutes presentation by the coordinator followed by 15 minutes of pitches by the finalists. 

Contributors: The finalists will be selected after a 2 round process 

Further information: 


· Gianluca Antonelli,, Univ. of Cassino

Event Timeslots (1)

Room 200 – Floor 2
14 March - Awards
Gianluca Antonelli