Teleoperation for Industry – Core Challenges in Practise

TG relation: Telerobotics and Teleoperation

Areas mainly addressed: Maintenance and Inspection, Autonomy, Collaborative Robots and cloud robotics 

Main questions to be answered: 

· 1. Who are the main stakeholders in telerobotics in Europe? 

· 2. What we are not currently capable of doing with our current tools in teleoperation? Are foreseen developments in industry facing these challenges? 

· 3. How can we collaborate more closely now? 

WS Description: Telerobotics and teleoperation tasks have been used for the inspection, maintenance and operations of critical infrastructure for decades. However, use cases are often niche though relevant technology is extremely broad, with a community that is multi-disciplinary and dispersed. In this WG we want to understand who is doing what in Europe, where the gaps lie between industry and research and to brainstorm on ways we can work more closely together e.g. via collaborative grants, challenges, knowledge sharing or just awareness. 

The outcomes of this discussion should be the following 

• Clear presentations on the stakeholders in Europe 

• Examples of challenges faced in operation now 

• Ideas of how to collaborate including details of open calls 

• Input into the EU Commission Work Programme 2025-2027 

This information will be available in the ERF summary and WG website. 

Intended outcome: Information about community involvement and services offered (e.g. DIHs, open calls, platforms, …), Workshop discussion topics of common interest, success stories, use cases, etc, Novel format (e.g. interactive matchmaking session for technologies and applications), Workshop on recent developments in technology or applications 

Approach: This workshop will allow the audience to hear from industry about the challenges they face and their use of telerobotics technology to address them, as well as information about the European landscape and the ways we can collaborate, particularly via open calls and other funding opportunities. There will be time for Q&A with the speakers as well as an interactive session for the audience to meet each other. 

A MIRO session board will be used to collect inputs from the smaller discussion groups, and people can leave their contacts here if they like. 

Contributors: Introduction, Eloise Matheson, CERN 

Industry Perspective, Matthew Goodliffe, UKAEA 

Industry Perspective, Jean-François de Sallier, Haption 

Funding Calls, Christophe Leroux/Baptiste Gradoussoff, RIMA Network 

Funding Calls Lessons Learnt, Antonio Montalvo, FundingBox 


Audience Networking Event 

Further information: 


· Eloise Matheson,, CERN

· Mario Di Castro,, CERN

Event Timeslots (1)

Room 107 – Floor 1
14 March - Control and virtualisation
Eloise Matheson