Toward Multiscale Healthcare Robots (TGs Miniaturised & Healthcare)

Objectives & short description

The objective of this workshop is to strengthen the interaction between the miniaturized robotics and the healthcare robotics communities. Developments in miniaturized robotics have resulted in multiple proofs-of-concept with great potential to be exploited in the healthcare domain. It concerns especially minimal-invasive surgery including (i) robotic intervention in confined space inside the body (e.g., in otolaryngology) and (ii) focused drug delivery via micro/nano- carriers (e.g., in the brain). It also finds application in cell engineering such as single cell sorting for biotherapies. This workshop will fill the gap and develop synergies between TG miniaturized robotics and TG healthcare robotics to promote and boost the development of multiscale robotic tools in healthcare.

Several types of robots have been developed in the healthcare domain. This workshop will address both specific application fields: (i) minimal-invasive surgery and targeted/localized drug delivery and (ii) drug/biomedicine fabrication. In both application fields, combining miniaturized robotics and large-scale robotics will improve the overall performance thanks to the complementarity between the great operational range (large-scale robots) and the precision of the task (miniaturized robots). In surgery, large robots at the scale of the human body are required to be able to access several operation configurations. Miniaturized robots can reach currently inaccessible places inside the body, e.g., the olfactive bulb in the nose, but the deployment will need to be carried out by a large- scale robot. Concrete applications to operate in confined locations in the human body will surely need the collaboration of both large-scale robots and miniaturized and micro-robots.

In biotherapies, there is also a multiscale challenge, where large robots are required to pipette samples, and miniaturized robots, which can be combined with lab-on-chip technologies, are capable of sorting single cells in samples or carrying out single-cell analysis. The development of biotherapies with an accessible price requires the automation of those steps.

In both cases, joining forces of both the TG miniaturized robotics and TG healthcare robotics will pave the way toward multiscale robotic solutions for healthcare domains.

Organization committee

Last nameFirst nameE-mailOrganisation
QuanZhouquan.zhou@aalto.fiAalto University
RiccardoMuradorericcardo.muradore@univr.itUniversity of Verona
SiepelFrancoisef.j.siepel@utwente.nlUniversity of Twente

Workshop Schedule
11:05 – 12:15: Invited talks on most promising technologies & challenges in both fields

Healthcare robotics

Miniaturized robot start-ups in healthcare

New trends in Miniaturized robot for healthcare

12:15 – 12:25: Open discussions on possible new connexions between both communities

12:25 – 13:55: Joint Lunch break!

Event Timeslots (1)

Room K3 – Koncerthuset
15 March - Healthcare
Michael Gauthier