12th Hybrid Production Systems Workshop - Entering the AI era in flexible production
Sotiris, Makris, Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS), George, Michalos, Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS), Inaki, Maurtua, Autonomous and Intelligent Systems Unit - Tekniker,Room 11-13
Questions to be answered
As in the past years the workshop aims to:
- Introduce latest projects-technologies in the area of HPS including but not limited to robotics, AI, humans, human-robot collaboration/ interaction and flexible production processes
- Explore new research areas and map them to existing industrial applications benefiting from the covered technological fields
- Gather distinguished speakers from industry and academia to share their visions and experiences highlighting the latest trends and challenges
Details of the WS
The format of the workshop is presented in the next paragraph. The topics to be addressed in the keynote speeches, presentation pitches and panel discussion will revolve around:
- Mobile autonomous co-workers
- Innovative human machine interfaces for interaction and collaboration
- AI-based workplace optimization, dynamic planning, and control of HPS
- Exoskeletons-human augmentation and support systems
- Perception as cognitive capability for versatile handling of products
- Safe and Adaptable behaviour to non-expected situations / dynamic environments
- Human safety and novel methods for autonomous and AI based risk assessment
Organisation of the WS
- The workshop will consist of two sub-sessions addressing different topics.
- Each subsession will consist of a keynote talk (10min) and a series of targeted - pitch style - presentations of (4 minutes each) on different aspects of Hybrid Production systems. Presentations may include:
- Early results: presentations introducing early results from just started research projects. These will be in the form of elevator pitches, focusing one the innovation idea, its benefit to potential users and a short proof of concept.
- Technologies: presentations about technologies that have been developed within the research project, ready to be picked up by a larger user group to expand the potential customer base or that already are in the commercialization phase.
- At the end of the workshop the audience will be engaged in an open dialogue with the speakers using interactive tools such as Slido/Mentimeter etc (including both academics and people from the industry) to identify the milestones achieved so far and the key challenges to be addressed in the next 1, 5, and 10 years.
- The last part of the discussion will also involve joint dissemination activities to be undertaken by the participating projects (Exhibitions, joint workshops etc).
- To prevent inhomogeneity and delays, all the authors will be provided by a presentation template in order to harmonize the speeches to the topics sequence and timetable of the workshop.
- A dedicated report will be made available after analyzing the results of the iterative session, summarizing the outcomes of the WS.
The current draft of the agenda is as follows:
- 00:00 - 00:04 Introduction of Workshop and recap of HPS activities by moderator
- 00:04 - 00:14 Keynote presentation (10 minutes)
- 00:14 - 00:26 First round of 3 pitch style presentations (4 minutes each)
- 00:26 – 00:40 Round table, engagement with the audience, conclusion of the sub-session 1 of the Workshop by moderator
- 00:40 - 00:50 Keynote presentation (10 minutes)
- 00:50 - 00:62 Second round of 3 pitch style presentations (4 minutes each)
- 00:62 – 00:80 Round table, engagement with the audience, conclusion of the sub-session 2 of the Workshop by moderator
Intended outcome
Speakers attending the HPS workshop will experience it as follows:
- We identified X companies currently investing or investigating HPS to achieve flexible production
- We witnessed X demonstrations of robotics, mechatronics, AI etc. solutions working together with humans in several sectors.
- We now understand why it is challenging to deploy such systems and what needs to be done in the coming years
- We know who to contact in order to further collaborate and contribute in the development of AI enabled HPS systems
Further information
A tentative list of speakers (to be confirmed) involves:
- Sotiris Makris - LMS - Moderator
- George Michalos - LMS - Moderator
- Inaki, Maurtua - TECNIKER - Moderator
- Nikos Dimitropoulos - LMS - Speaker
- Kirill Safronov - KUKA - Speaker
- Florian Toeper - Mercedes Benz - Speaker
- Jon Agire - TECNALIA - Speaker
- Nabil Belbachir - NORCE - Speaker
- Oliver Avram - SUPSI - Speaker
- Aulon Bajrami - Fraunhofer IPA - Speaker
- Roel Pieters - Tampere University - Speaker
HPS projects cluster - www.hybrid-production-systems.eu/
Trinity Innovation Network - Homepage - Trinity Innovation Network
AI in Manufacturing, Testing and Experimentation Facilities Network for European industries (AI-Matters) - AI Matters : AI in Manufacturing for EU industries