6G empowering future robotics

6G empowering future robotics

euRobotics Telerobotics TG [Karol Janik] Standards TG [Paolo Barattini] Aerial Robotics TG [Antidio Viguria Jiménez] Inspection & Maintenance TG [Aksel A. Transeth] Organiser_2 one6G association WG1: 6G and robotics (WI102) -Daniel Gordon (HWDU)/Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei (KCL) WG2: > Multimodal sensing, communication and control for 6G remote operation (WI213) Periklis Chatzimisios (IHU)/Ana Garcia Armada (UC3M) /Mona Ghassemian (Huawei) > 6G-empowered robotics (WI216)- Mona Ghassemian (Huawei)/Kaspar ALthoefer (QMUL)* WG4 Testbed and demonstration WI403 - Youssef Nasser (Greenwave)/Joseph Eichinger (Huawei) WG3 Dissemination- Albena Mihovska (SmartAvatar)/Xueli An (HWDU) [* one6G WI216 whitepaper is planned to be released at the Workshop]Room 14-16

Questions to be answered

This should explain to an attendee why they should come to your workshop rather than the other ones on at the same time

> General outcomes:

Overall, the workshop provides a unique forum to explore the transformative impact of 6G on the future of telerobotics. It brings together a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss this important intersection of technologies. The workshop aims to facilitate collaboration between robotics and communications experts. This will enable them to jointly address the potential challenges, as well as to discuss the robotic requirements and potential capabilities for communication systems, and vice versa.

> Outcomes for the Robotics Community:

- Gain insights into how 6G technology can enable advanced telerobotics capabilities

- Learn about the latest research and developments in 6G for robotic applications

- Opportunity to network and collaborate with leading experts in 6G and robotics

> Outcomes for End-Users:

- Understand how 6G-enabled telerobotics can improve remote operations and service delivery

- Explore new use cases for telerobotics in industries like healthcare, manufacturing, disaster response, etc.

- Provide input to shape the development of 6G for end-user needs

>Outcomes for SMEs:

- Learn about new market opportunities for 6G robotics startups

- Connect with potential partners, customers, and investors

> Outcomes for Researchers:

- Engage with the broader 6G and robotics research community

- Showcase your latest work and get feedback to advance the field

- Identify new research directions and collaboration opportunities


Details of the WS

1. Robotic requirements: what are the human and robot interaction and communication and sensing requirements and how to measure them

2. Robotic use case scenarios: which robotic use case domains have the potential to significantly be enhanced by 6G enabling tech? Key domains including Agriculture, Healthcare, Industrial Robotics, Logistics and Transport, Assisted Living, Space, Construction, Inspection & maintenance, Aerial robotics, Automation and navigation, and Harsh environment. For example, for the case of Aerial robotics:

• How can 6G networks support long distance operations at low level altitude (below 120 meters above ground)?

• Can 6G networks provide accurate positioning to complement GNSS-based positions?

• How can 6G networks provide edge computing resources on the network to implement high demand AI-based algorithms with aerial robots in real-time and for safety critical functionalities?

3. Lessons learned for networked robotics: What are the key connectivity-related lessons learned from commercial deployments of networked robotics systems?

4. Enabling technologies: what are the main elements that may allow us to achieve the challenging requirements? How can robotic technologies improve the performance of 6G networks and vice versa?

5. New features from 6G: What are the new/enhanced features introduced by 6G which are essential for robotic industries?

6. AI techniques’ Privacy and Ethical consideration: what are the considerations for AI models and techniques for processing multimodal information collected either by cameras on the robot or 6G sensing in the edge/cloud?

7. Standards: Route for 6G research outputs for standardisation and challenges, cross SDOs collaboration for harmonised and interoperable standards.

Organisation of the WS

How will you use the time in the workshop? What will the attendees do?

Updated version (3 Feb 2025) - 80 min workshop Tentative programme

  • Introduction and Structure Explanation: 5 min

Chairs: Prof. Kaspar Althoefer (QMUL)/Mona Ghassemian (Huawei) [one6G 6G empowering Robotics co-leads]

  • Provocation 1: Robotic Perspective & Discussion: 10 min

    Speaker 1: Dr. Karol Janik (the-MTC & TeleRobotics TG Chair)

Topic: Network applications for Connected Robotics including end-user perspectives and emerging use cases; robotic vertical perspectives; UC requirements for telerobotics; current state of standardisation.

  • Provocation 2: Communication Perspective & Discussion: 10 min

    Speaker 2: Prof. Narcis Cardona (UPV & one6G Association Vice-Chair)

Topic: Advanced mobile communication technologies for Connected Robotics including telecom industry view; recent research advances; current state of standardisation.

  • Breakout Sessions (one6G/eu-robotics) 45 min

Lead: Dr. Paolo Barattini (K46 / Standard TG Chair)
Co-Leads: eu-robotics TG leads / one6G WI leads

Topic: Working on sections of a roadmap based on the outlined workshop topics.

Breakout session format

  • Number of Breakout Sessions: Subject to room size and participant numbers, assuming 20-30 participants (including speakers).
  1. 5 min: Introduction to breakout session descriptions, themes, and expected outcomes by Dr. Paolo Barattini.
  2. 5 min: Formation of 4 groups of 5 to 7 participants, with attendees physically moving around the room to form groups.
  3. Group Discussions: 35 min
  • 15 min: In-depth group discussions on selected themes.
  • 20 min: Each group presents a 5-minute summary of their discussion. TGs/WI leads
  • Themes for Selection:
  • 6G Empowering Robotics (one6G) [Narcis Cardona, Mohammad Shikh Bahaei, Aryan Kaushik, Mona Ghassemian (T1 or 3)]
  • Robotics Empowering 6G (eu-robotics) [Karol Janik, Kaspar Althoefer, Alireza Rastegarpanah,Antidio Viguria Jiménez, Aksel A. Transeth [TBC] ]
  • Standardisation Activities (eu-robotics/one6G) [Paolo Barattini/ Albena Mihovska (TBC)]
  • Testbeds and Implementations (one6G/eu-robotics) [Jesus Fernandez/ Joseph Eichinger (T1 or 4)]
  • Discussions and Conclusion [Prof. Kaspar Althoefer (QMUL)/Mona Ghassemian (Huawei) [one6G WI216 (6G empowering Robotics) co-leads] ] : 10 min
    Discussions on expectations, challenges, and the way forward for research and standardisation

Intended outcome

We don’t expect a long list of outcomes or a set of presentation slides - we want one or two results that attendees will say afterwards “We did X at ERF2025”.

General outcome:

Overall, the workshop provides a unique forum to explore the transformative impact of 6G on the future of telerobotics. It brings together a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss this important intersection of technologies.

The workshop aims to facilitate collaboration between robotics and communications experts. This will enable them to jointly address the potential challenges, as well as to discuss the robotic requirements and potential capabilities for communication systems, and vice versa.

Outcomes for the Robotics Community:

- Gain insights into how 6G technology can enable advanced telerobotics capabilities

- Learn about the latest research and developments in 6G for robotic applications

- Opportunity to network and collaborate with leading experts in 6G and robotics

Outcomes for End-Users:

- Understand how 6G-enabled telerobotics can improve remote operations and service delivery

- Explore new use cases for telerobotics in industries like healthcare, manufacturing, disaster response, etc.

- Provide input to shape the development of 6G for end-user needs

Outcomes for SMEs:

- Learn about new market opportunities for 6G robotics startups

- Connect with potential partners, customers, and investors

Outcomes for Researchers:

- Engage with the broader 6G and robotics research community

- Showcase your latest work and get feedback to advance the field

- Identify new research directions and collaboration opportunities

  • Robotics: a) Jesus Fernandez (UMA), b) Rich Walker (SR), TG leads (Antidio Viguria Jiménez (Aerial Robotics TG))
  • Communication: one6G board members Narcis Cardona (UPV), Mohammad ShikhBahaei (KCL), Periklis Chatzimisios (IHU)
  • Moderator: TG leads (Paolo Barattini (Standard TG), Karol Janik (Telerobotic TG))

eu-Robotics Topic Groups (TGs) involved in workshop organisation

Telerobotics TG [Karol Janik]

Standards TG [Paolo Barattini]

Aerial Robotics TG [Antidio Viguria Jiménez]

Inspection & Maintenance TG [Aksel A. Transeth]

Further information


Tue 14:00 - 15:20
<p>Suggest some tags / keywords, euRobotics will harmonise for the web</p><p>#6G #robotics #telerobotics #sensing #perception #actuation #standards #one6G #wireless #mobile #communication #localisation #AI</p>