Bringing Exoskeletons to Life in Europe: From Labs to Real-World Impact: part II
dr. Shirley A. Elprama, imec - SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & FARI, Belgium dr. Tommaso Bagneschi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, Italy, dr. Andrea Calanca, University of Verona, Italy, dr. Domenico Chiaradia, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, Italy, dr. Cristian Camardella, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, Italy, prof. An Jacobs, imec - SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & FARI, Belgium prof. Antonio Frisoli, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, ItalyRoom 22-24
Questions to be answered
- What research is being done on occupational exoskeletons?
- What different types of exoskeletons are there?
- How does it feel to wear an exoskeleton?
- To which extent have exoskeletons been adopted?
- Which aspects are important to enhance acceptance of people to wear exoskeletons?
This second workshop on exoskeletons focuses on how exoskeleton technologies developed by European research groups and companies are making an impact in the real world. It brings together experts and practitioners to discuss the transition from laboratory development to market adoption in the context of rehabilitation, assistance, and occupational exoskeletons. This workshop emphasizes (user-centered) design, control, and acceptance of exoskeletons.
Organisation of the WS
5 min Introduction
dr. Shirley A. Elprama - imec - SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & FARI, Belgium
10 min EMG-driven adaptive gravity compensation for upper-limb exoskeletons
dr. Andrea Calanca - University of Verona, Italy
10 min Introducing SWAG: Pioneering Soft Exosuits for Human Empowerment
dr. Patrick Holthaus - Robotics Research Group, University of Hertfordshire, UK
10 min Development of occupational exoskeletons
dr. Christophe Maufroy - Fraunhofer IPA, Germany
10 min Towards acceptance in industry and healthcare: subjective evaluation of
occupational exoskeletons
dr. Shirley A. Elprama - imec - SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & FARI, Belgium
45 min Interactive demos of exoskeletons
Workshop participants will be able to try out different exoskeletons and ask
questions to experts about these exoskeletons.
5 min Closing
dr. Andrea Calanca - University of Verona, Italy
Intended outcome
- Participants will gain insights into the current landscape of exoskeleton technology in Europe.
- Attendees will have the opportunity to try exoskeletons firsthand and understand the practical challenges and benefits of their usage.
- Establish a bridge between academic research, industrial needs, and potential users for increased technology adoption.
Further information
- dr. Andrea Calanca - University of Verona, Italy
- dr. Patrick Holthaus - Robotics Research Group, University of Hertfordshire, UK
- dr. Christophe Maufroy - Fraunhofer IPA, Germany
- dr. Shirley A. Elprama - imec - SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & FARI, Belgium
The final list of exoskeleton demos is still under construction but will include prototypes and commercially available exoskeletons of various EU countries including Italy and Germany.
Not applicable.