WS#87 Scientific Track Robotics II
Fraunhofer IPA ISW University of StuttgartMaritim: Köln / Bonn / Hamburg
Questions to be answered
Oral presentation of papers in the field of robotics.
See below
Organisation of the WS
12 Minutes presentation + 3 Minutes Q&A, i.e., 15 Minutes for each slot. There are 5 minutes buffer, e.g., to deal with technical issues.
8.30 – 8.45: Marcus Baum (University of Goettingen): A Blimp-based Robot That Moves Under the Ceiling
8.45 – 9.00: Marco Conenna (TU Delft), Jian Guo (TU Delft), Armin Wedler (German Aerospace Center (DLR)): Elasto-Kinematic Calibration of the Lunar Rover Mini 6 DOF Robotic Arm
9.00 – 9.15: Andreas Kernbach (University of Stuttgart), Daniel Bargmann (Fraunhofer IPA), Manuel Zürn (University of Stuttgart), Carsten Schmerback (KIT), Alper Yaman (University of Stuttgart), Mara Kläb (University of Stuttgart), Lukas Zeh (University of Stuttgart), Philipp Tenbrock (-), Samiha Durnagoez (Audi AG), Mathias Mayer (Audi AG), Michael Heizmann (KIT), Armin Lechler (University of Stuttgart), Alexander Verl (University of Stuttgart), Marco Huber (Fraunhofer IPA), Werner Kraus (Fraunhofer IPA): Automotive Wire Harness Connector Installation Using Skill-Based Robotic Programming
9.15 – 9.30: Christoph Heindl (PROFACTOR/JKU), Gerhard Ebenhofer (Profactor GmbH): SketchGuide: A Baseline Vision-Based Model for Rapid Robot Programming via Freehand Sketching on Any Surface
9.30 – 9.45: Andrea Govoni (University of Bologna), Nadia Zubair (University of Bologna), Simone Soprani (University of Bologna), Gianluca Palli (University of Bologna): Performance Analysis of a Mass-Spring-Damper Deformable Linear Object Model in Robotic Simulation Frameworks
Intended outcome
To update the community about recent developments
Speakers, Panelists, etc
Speaker see above
Topic Groups and/or Innovation networks involved
Projects involved
Further information
- Fraunhofer IPA
- ISW University of Stuttgart