The Future of Robotics in Europe – Is there a common strategy?

The Future of Robotics in Europe - Is there a common strategy?

David, ReinhardSilchersaal

Questions to be answered

There are several strategy and roadmap documents that came out in recent months defining the future of European Robotics. This workshop will answer the question; “What are the different visions for robotics in Europe and do they align?”


This workshop brings together the key organisations responsible for the current collection of European robotics strategy and roadmap documents. It will assess the viewpoints expressed by each organisation and collate the primary challenges for European Robotics. Panelists will explain the key focus in each strategy followed by an open discussion with the audience on the future direction of robotics in Europe.

Organisation of the WS

  • Introduction and brief overview of strategy documents.
  • Focused explanations of key elements in each strategy.
  • Panel discussion on key questions.
  • Structured discussion between the panelists and the audience on the way forward.
  • Panel viewpoint on the key challenges and actions that need to be taken.

Intended outcome

  • Creating understanding of the different documents and the (common) direction of these
  • Better connect the key players for each strategy
  • Identify concrete steps to implement the strategy / strategies

Further information

  • David Bisset, euRobotics
  • Reinhard Lafrenz, euRobotics
  • Gregorio Ameyugo, CEA
  • Patrick Schwarzkopf, VDMA
  • Alin Albu-Schäffer /Aude Billard, euROBIN
  • Philip P., Adra
  • Cecile Huet/ Cem , EC
  • Petra Koudelkova-Delimoges, Adra & euRobotics



David Bisset, euRobotics Reinhard Lafrenz, euRobotics Gregorio Ameyugo, CEA Patrick Schwarzkopf, VDMA Alin Albu-Schäffer /Aude Billard, euROBIN Philip P., Adra Cecile Huet/ Cem , EC Petra Koudelkova-Delimoges, Adra & euRobotics
Wed 14:00 - 15:20
<p>Strategy, Competitiveness</p>, Roadmapping